Winter Park Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are non-surgical skin care treatments designed to enhance skin texture and promote clear-looking skin. These face peels can remove dead or damaged skin cells from the surface of your skin to encourage the growth of new, healthy skin cells. Chemical peels can improve the appearance of fine lines, acne scarring, sun damage, and blemishes, while also stimulating the production of subsurface collagen fibers to enhance skin elasticity and firmness.
Peel Treatment at a Glance:
There are a variety of different facial peels available for patients, each designed to target a specific depth. Lighter chemical peels can address the outer layers of your skin, known as the epidermis, while deeper face peels can penetrate to the lower dermis.
How many chemical peel treatments are required?
Patients typically see results after 1 peel. Lighter chemical peels may require more frequent treatments to maintain results, while deeper facial peels provide longer-lasting results.
Who is considered an ideal candidate for a chemical peel?
Possible chemical peels candidates include those who are bothered by acne scarring, blemishes, sun damage, and pigmentation issues. We can advise whether chemical peels are right for you during your consultation.
What should I expect after undergoing a chemical peel?
Patients can expect mild-to-moderate redness and sensitivity for a few weeks after undergoing lighter or medium facial peels, while deeper chemical peels usually result in longer, more pronounced redness, along with slight swelling and peeling.
What kind of chemical peel results can I expect?
Face peels can enhance the texture and tone of your skin for radiant, youthful-looking results. Acne scarring, sun damage, pigmentation issues, blemishes, wrinkles, and fine lines can be improved using chemical peels.